Friday, February 10, 2012

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chinese Negotiations: 4 Tips to Succeed in ?Times of Silence?

By Matthias M. via Wikimedia Commons

Have you ever been in a Chinese negotiation where suddenly everybody goes silent? It is not uncommon and it does not happen by chance.

One of my interviewees, an expat who had gone through a substantial amount of negotiation while setting up a manufacturing plant, observed on the topic of Chinese negotiations:

?Silence plays a very important role in negotiation. Our Chinese business contacts know we tend to feel very uncomfortable with silence. We become uneasy. Hence they use silence during negotiations to strengthen their position?

This conversation came back to my mind recently while I was reading a newspaper article about recruitment tips ?Listening skills a winner for job hunters? (Waikato Times, Saturday January 14, 2012) based on insights by Jeffrey Kurdisch in the Washington Post.

One of the tips in the article reflects that very same comment. I reproduce it here because it is as valid for job hunting as it is for negotiation and life in general:

?Be comfortable with silence
Several recruiters have told me they use silence as a tactic to see how job-seekers respond. Negotiations research suggests that people who are uncomfortable with silence tend to share information that may put them at a competitive disadvantage. Savvy job seekers accept silence during a conversation and are careful not to talk about things that will reduce their employability. They also use silence moments as an opportunity to check on their own non-verbal communication (sit up straight, project self-confidence, no distracting mannerisms). If you feel the need to break the silence, try asking questions.?

Silence is also used in a range of situations in which you need the other part to open up and share information. One of my relatives, who was a marriage counsellor till retirement, says ?we often used silence during a counselling session to allow people the time and the opportunity to share things that they needed to bring out?.

So, silence is widely used to bring information out. And, in a business negotiation, information is power. So be aware of your reactions to silence and follow in your own negotiations the advice Mr Kurdisch was giving to job hunters- that we could translate here into negotiation tips:

Tip#1. Be comfortable with silence

Tip#2. Do not feel pressured by silence into talking about things that will put you at a competitive disadvantage

Tip#3. Use silent time to review your negotiation strategy/tactics

-Tip#4. Break the silence with questions, if you feel the need to talk (this way you will not give away information)

By the way, my interviewee was very relaxed about silence. His tip was aligned with the ones specialists suggest: ?Just take silence as a brief break in your negotiation. Take that time for reflection and thinking about how the negotiation is going and how to take it forward?

What do you think? Have you ever faced a silent room in your Chinese negotiations?

Do not forget to subscribe for future tips:


Related Posts:
*?36 Tips on How to Deal or Negotiate with your Chinese Suppliers
*?Sourcing from China: Who are the Happy Buyers?


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Friday, February 3, 2012

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Circular RNAs more common than previously thought

Thursday, February 2, 2012

In the classical model of gene expression, the genetic script encoded in our genomes is expressed in each cell in the form of RNA molecules, each consisting of a linear string of chemical "bases". It may be time to revise this traditional understanding of human gene expression, as new research suggests that circular RNA molecules, rather than the classical linear molecules, are a widespread feature of the gene expression program in every human cell. The results are published in the Feb. 1 issue of the online journal PLoS ONE.

A group of researchers working with HHMI investigator and biochemistry professor Patrick Brown, of Stanford University, have discovered hundreds of human gene transcripts that appear to have resulted from a non-canonical program that "splices" the RNA molecules into circles. For many genes, these circular RNAs made up a substantial fraction of all the transcripts identified, suggesting that they are far more abundant and perhaps more important than previously thought.

Circular RNAs have heretofore "flown under the radar" because traditional methods for isolating RNA from cells have inadvertently discarded these circular molecules. The exact function of circular RNAs, and potential relevance for human biology or health, if any, remains to be determined, but this study opens up many exciting avenues for further research.

"This research shows that there are still important fundamental biological programs to be discovered by experimental exploration coupled with new statistical and computational approaches," said Julia Salzman, one of the authors of the paper. "These circular RNAs may represent a yet-to-be discovered biological process."


Public Library of Science:

Thanks to Public Library of Science for this article.

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NASA Finds Interstellar Matter From Beyond Our Solar System

An anonymous reader writes "For the very first time, a NASA spacecraft has detected matter from outside our solar system ? material that came from elsewhere in the galaxy. This so-called interstellar material was spotted by NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), a spacecraft that is studying the edge of the solar system from its orbit about 200,000 miles (322,000 kilometers) above Earth. 'This alien interstellar material is really the stuff that stars and planets and people are made of ? it's really important to be measuring it,' said David McComas, IBEX principal investigator."


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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Helicopters send food, evacuate in Europe freeze

Rescue helicopters evacuated dozens of people from snow-blocked villages in Serbia and Bosnia and airlifted in emergency food and medicine as a severe cold spell kept Eastern Europe in its icy grip.

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The death toll from the cold rose to 79 on Wednesday and emergency crews worked overtime as temperatures sank to minus 26.5 F in some areas.

Europe had enjoyed a relatively mild winter up until last weekend, but an Arctic system swinging in from the east brought that to an abrupt halt.

Parts of the Black Sea froze near the Romanian coastline and the rare show fell on Croatian islands in the Adriatic Sea.

In Bulgaria, 16 towns recorded their lowest temperatures since records started 100 years ago. It was so cold in the capital Sofia that ATM cash machines froze up, the newspaper Trud reported.

In central Serbia, choppers pulled out 12 people, including nine who went to a funeral but then could not get back over icy, snow-choked roads. Two more people froze to death in the snow and two others are missing, bringing that nation's death toll to five.

"The situation is dramatic, the snow is up to five meters (16 1/2 feet) high in some areas, you can only see rooftops," said Dr. Milorad Dramacanin, who participated in the helicopter evacuations.

One of the evacuees was an elderly woman who had fallen into a coma. She survived after being airlifted to a hospital.

PhotoBlog: Deep Freeze hits Eastern Europe

Two helicopters were also used Wednesday to rescue people and supply remote villages in northern Bosnia.

"We are trying to get through to several small villages, with each just a few elderly residents," said Bosnian rescue official Milimir Doder. "All together some 200-300 people are cut off. We are supplying them for the second day with food and medication."

Some villages have had no electricity for two days and crews were working around-the-clock trying to fix power lines.

"The snow is about two meters high (6 feet) and we have cleared off paths that look more like tunnels," Doder said. "It is going well but if there is more snow coming, then the situation may get critical."

The forecast across the Balkans is for conditions to worsen through the week.

Homeless deaths in Ukraine
Ukraine alone reported 43 deaths, mostly of homeless people. The country's Emergency Situations Ministry said 28 people had been found dead on the streets, eight died in hospitals and seven in their homes. Over 720 others were hospitalized with hypothermia and frostbite.

Ukraine's 1+1 channel broadcast footage of a man being treated for frostbite in his toes, which had turned completely black.

Authorities have deployed over 1,730 heating shelters across the country, handing out hot tea, coffee, boiled potatoes and pork fat ? a traditional Ukrainian dish ? to the homeless. Hospitals were told not to discharge homeless patients even if their treatment was finished to protect them from the cold.

"They say the whole February will be cold, and the first half of March, so we have to get ready for this somehow," said Viktor, who is living on the streets of Kiev.

Prime Minister Mykola Azarov urged Ukrainians to stay vigilant, dress warmly and help each other in the face of the severe weather.

"I call on citizens, enterprises, organizations not to be indifferent, to support and protect those people who cannot help themselves in this difficult time," Azarov said in a statement Wednesday. "We are one people."

His comments after some experts suggested Ukraine's high death toll was linked to authorities' unwillingness and incompetence in dealing with the homeless.

Pavlo Rozenko, an expert on social policy with the Kiev-based Razumkov Center, said Ukrainian authorities often suffer from the Soviet legacy of viewing the homeless as alcoholics, drug addicts and do-nothings who need to be punished instead of helped.

"The country doesn't know yet how to take care of its homeless," Rozenko said.

Deep freeze elsewhere

  • Romania: Temperatures plunged to minus 26.5, and six homeless people died in the past 24 hours of hypothermia, the health ministry reported. Hundreds of other people were sent to shelters to protect them from the extreme cold.
  • Poland: Five people died of hypothermia in the last day, bringing its toll up to 20 since Friday.
  • Hungary: Several schools suspended classes, including one in the east that said it could not afford the high heating bills.
  • Slovenia: Winds of up to 112 mph blew off roofs and prompted authorities to close some schools, authorities said.
  • Russia: Temperatures fell to minus 6 in Moscow but only one person was reported to have died of the cold.

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.


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Madonna Talks New Album & Super Bowl Halftime Show On The Tonight Show

Last night Madonna stopped by The Tonight Show With Jay Leno to talk to him about her movie W.E, her new album and being the halftime show at the Super Bowl is this weekend. If you missed the show no worries I have the entire interview for you right here. There were three different segments on the show involving the Queen of Pop and I think it is important to break them up that way. Before we get into the nitty gritty of what the videos are about can I just say that I think the whole interview is awkward. I am a huge Madonna fan but she looks so uncomfortable, like she doesn?t want to be there at all. Take a look at her body language; especially notice how she keeps looking at the floor or down at least. I know that Madonna doesn?t tend to do a lot of interviews so maybe she could have just been nervous, it just seemed weird to me. However I would and will watch her anytime, anywhere because she rocks and I heart her. That being said let?s get on to the good stuff. In this first clip Madonna and Jay chat [...]


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