Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How the major US stock indexes fared Monday

U.S. stocks shook off their post-election slump Monday, recording their biggest gain in more than two months. Investors appeared more optimistic about a deal to avoid a federal budget crisis and were encouraged by a pair of corporate earnings reports.

The Dow Jones industrial average closed up 207.65 points, or 1.7 percent, at 12,795.96.

The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 27.01 points, or 2 percent, to 1,386.89.

The Nasdaq composite average gained 62.94, or 2.2 percent, to 2,916.07.

For the year:

The Dow is up 578.40 points, or 4.7 percent.

The S&P 500 is up 129.29 points, or 10.3 percent.

The Nasdaq is up 310.92 points, or 11.9 percent.


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9 Marketing Tips for a Profitable Christmas | Direct Marketing Update

1. Say Merry Christmas

It?s fine to be politically correct in your personal life, but when it comes to business, you need to use what works. And Christmas works.

Studies have found that retailers who use Christmas prominently in their marketing sell more than those who shy away from it.

That?s the lesson Lowe?s hardware learned a few years ago when it tried selling "Family Trees" instead of "Christmas Trees." It wasn?t long before they changed their advertising, citing a "proofreading error"?a sure indication that sales had taken a hit.

Thankfully, I think we?ve mostly moved on from this silly Christmas/Holiday debate.

Most of your customers celebrate Christmas, religiously or otherwise, and those who don?t probably aren?t going to be all that offended.

2. Cyber Monday is the new Black Friday

Cyber Monday, the Monday following Thanksgiving, is becoming almost as big as Black Friday.

Cyber Monday is just like Black Friday, only it?s online.

Shoppers scour the web for killer deals, so take Cyber Monday as a serious sales opportunity and give your prospects and customers what they want.

3. Make your website Christmas ready: Double-check your offer, guarantee, shipping and return policy.

Web shopping doesn?t end after Cyber Monday, of course, so it?s critical to have your website ready for the whole season.

Most customers want to clearly see 5 things on your website: Free shipping, plenty of product details, easy return policy, prepaid shipping for returns and multiple product images.

You might also want to let customers know when stock is running low.

4. Don?t make promises you can?t keep!

Last year, Best Buy blew it, big time. They guaranteed that big-ticket electronics ordered on Black Friday would be delivered before Christmas. And then, astonishingly, they failed to deliver.

To make matters worse, they didn?t even admit their mistake until the week before Christmas.

By that time, most of the items were no longer available anywhere, and customers were left without gifts to give, even though they had planned weeks in advance.

The rage from customers was incredible. They had been counting on those gifts, and Best Buy completely let them down.

Consumers and news sites alike compared Best Buy to the Grinch, and declared that Best Buy was ruining Christmas.

It was a huge blow to Best Buy?s credibility, and they?ve been working hard ever since to recover.

Don?t, under any circumstance, let this happen to your business.

5. Make buying easy: Streamline your shopping cart

Streamline your online shopping cart, and make sure it?s as simple and intuitive as possible.

Losing an order or a lead at the shopping cart phase is heartbreaking, because you?ve already done all the hard work.

Don?t lose business to something as silly as this.

6. Mobile phone Christmas shopping

Studies show that more than 50% of adult Americans have smartphones. And they?ll be using them to Christmas shop.

This makes it critical that you optimize your website for mobile viewing and make sure your marketing emails can be easily read on mobile screens.

Mobile and email coupons have been a huge hit, so try using them to boost your sales.

7. ?Tis the season for QR codes

QR codes can, and should, be used in almost all aspects of your marketing. As I said earlier, over 50% of adults have smartphones and instant access to a QR code reader.

And you aren?t limited to just putting your website in the QR code; you can do much, much more.

Try rewarding customers for scanning the code by giving a Christmas discount or special offer!

If you?re unfamiliar with what a QR code is, it looks like this:

Creative Direct Marketing Group

8. Make your sales copy as personal as possible

This is the time of year to really connect with your audience on a personal level.

Send your prospects more personalized messages, and be sure to thank your regular customers for their business.

But be sure to include strong direct response copy along with those exclusive messages. Talk up the benefits of your product or service and include a call to action!

9. Don?t let up, continue advertising all the way through Christmas and beyond

The Christmas shopping season starts on Black Friday and goes all the way through to January. Don?t get burned-out, and don?t let up.

Christmas is not the end of the season. In fact, after Christmas, your marketing should be ramping up, not sliding down.

The first few weeks of January, right after Christmas, are the absolute best time of the year to market. Take advantage of it.

If you want some help crafting your Christmas marketing strategy, there?s still a little bit of time left. But you?ll have to act fast! We can help with landing pages, shopping carts, web ads and direct response copy and art.

Call me at 310-212-5727 or email me at immediately. There?s no time to waste! Don?t let the most profitable time of year pass you by.

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Don?t let up, continue advertising all the way through Christmas and beyond >>


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Monday, November 19, 2012

US puts new sanctions on freed Hezbollah leader

(AP) ? The Obama administration has imposed new sanctions on a Hezbollah leader set free last week by Iraq despite U.S. protests.

The Treasury Department's action freezes any assets Ali Mussa Daqduq ('DAHK-dook) has in the United States and prohibits Americans from doing business with him.

Daqduq is blamed for numerous attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq.

He was captured in March 2007 and held by the U.S. military until being transferred to Iraqi custody in December 2011. An Iraqi court dismissed charges against him in May. He was released last week.

U.S. officials had sought Daqduq's extradition.

The Treasury Department's sanctions chief, David Cohen, said Monday that the U.S. is "extremely disappointed" that Daqduq was freed. Cohen said the U.S. will continue trying to bring him to justice.

Associated Press


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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Crude Oil upside: Terms and conditions other than Gaza conflict apply

Commodity Online
This time around, a knee jerk reaction on Wednesday to the news of the Israeli strike on Gaza, saw the front-month Brent contract edge higher by $2/bbl to touch $110/bbl. Although actual oil supplies were not affected during the attack, the move upward provided a litmus test for how the oil market factors in geopolitical risks in the region, especially given the current state of market fundamentals, said Barclays in a snippet.

It has to be noted that no crude supplies were disrupted during the three-week Israel-Hamas conflict in 2008. While regional governments strongly criticized Israel, the fighting did not spread. Similarly, during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war, crude supplies were not affected and regional powers remained on the sidelines.

Although oil market demand ? supply fundamentals are fairly balanced at the moment, this is largely because key OPEC suppliers continue to produce at elevated levels, helping to fill the void left from supply shortfalls elsewhere in the non-OPEC (Sudan, Syria, Yemen, North Sea, Brazil). Even among OPEC producers, reduced Iranian exports and variability in Nigerian output have created a void, stressing other producers to supply more to balance the market.

In an environment where spare capacity is limited and key suppliers are stretching themselves to fill the plurality of shortfalls, geopolitically driven upside risks to oil prices are increasingly outweighing the downside risks, in Barclays' view.

Iran issue

Going into 2013, Barclays sees serious political risks on the horizon, foremost the standoff over the Iranian nuclear program. This week, the International Atomic Energy Agency released its quarterly report on Iran.

The UN inspectors found that Iran has augmented its stockpile of higher grade 20% enriched uranium by nearly 50% in the past three months and sharply increased the number of centrifuges placed in the heavily fortified Fordow enrichment site.

As Barclays noted before, next year may produce an important inflection point for Western nations if the diplomatic track remains stalled. They may face the difficult choice of either allowing Iran to approach the brink of nuclear breakout capability or taking other action to forestall that possibility. But for these risks to be transformed into catalysts that result in a breakout to the upside for prices, the markets could increasingly demand much more than inflammatory rhetoric or stalled nuclear diplomacy.

"Until such catalysts materialize through the growing cloud of risks we mention above, oil prices could continue to oscillate around the current year-to-date mean." the Bank said.?

Meanwhile, the relationship between Iran and Hamas has recently cooled to some extent because of the civil war in Syria. Iran and Hezbollah are strongly supporting the largely Alawite Assad regime in Damascus, while Hamas has publicly sided with the mainly Sunni Syrian opposition. At the same time, its ties to key Sunni states have strengthened.

The militant group?s exiled leader, Kahled Meshal, abandoned his longstanding base in Damascus in February 2011 and relocated to Qatar. Last month, the Emir of Qatar became the first head of state to visit Gaza since Hamas won the 2007 elections and pledged $400mn in infrastructure support.

The Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt has been particularly vocal in its support for Hamas since the latest round of fighting commenced. The Egyptian Prime Minister visited Gaza on Friday and President Morsi has vowed that Cairo will not leave ?Gaza on its own.?

Nonetheless, it still not obvious whether the Egyptian government will do anything to seriously jeopardize the 1979 peace agreement with Israel, Barclays said.


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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Few Things To Note About Campers And ... - Travel and Leisure

A Few Things To Note About Campers and Trailers For Sale


The cost of spending a vacation on road trips is usually high. Road trips are expensive because you must pay for accommodation in a hotel. To reduce the burden of paying high bills in a hotel, individuals are recommended to consider campers trailers for sale. These items are suitable for long distance journeys.


These equipments are designed to be towed by a vehicle. The equipments are designed with tents which can be folded based on your needs. The designs of these camping equipments allow people to camp anywhere. These trucks help people enjoy great views while riding on the road.


Camping trucks are designed with various features to suit the needs of different individuals. The market allows people to select trailers that fit their requirements. There are many benefits to enjoy when you buy a camper trailer for sale. You should be aware of these benefits.


These items are cheap and fun to use during your trip. They allow people to have great views while driving on the road. The cost of a trailer is cheap compared to the prices charged in hotels. People should choose to shop online so as to enjoy cheap prices.


A trailer with these features helps you save a lot of money spend on hotels. However, you will be forced to spend more money in gas. Individuals should consider some factors before purchasing a camping trailer. The first thing every individual should do is prepare a budget.


The trailer should have a kitchen fitted with the right appliances. The campers trailers for sale you choose to buy should be affordable. It should be compatible with your car. Choose a trailer powered with affordable fuel. It is always good to have a budget beforehand. This will help you choose a suitable trailer for camping.

View more related articles here :Click Here

Tags: Campers Adelaide, Campers and Trailers for Sale, travelling


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Monday, November 12, 2012

Humans are slowly but surely losing intellectual and emotional abilities, article suggests

ScienceDaily (Nov. 12, 2012) ? Human intelligence and behavior require optimal functioning of a large number of genes, which requires enormous evolutionary pressures to maintain. A provocative hypothesis published in a recent set of Science and Society pieces published in the Cell Press journal Trends in Genetics suggests that we are losing our intellectual and emotional capabilities because the intricate web of genes endowing us with our brain power is particularly susceptible to mutations and that these mutations are not being selected against in our modern society.

"The development of our intellectual abilities and the optimization of thousands of intelligence genes probably occurred in relatively non-verbal, dispersed groups of peoples before our ancestors emerged from Africa," says the papers' author, Dr. Gerald Crabtree, of Stanford University. In this environment, intelligence was critical for survival, and there was likely to be immense selective pressure acting on the genes required for intellectual development, leading to a peak in human intelligence.

From that point, it's likely that we began to slowly lose ground. With the development of agriculture, came urbanization, which may have weakened the power of selection to weed out mutations leading to intellectual disabilities. Based on calculations of the frequency with which deleterious mutations appear in the human genome and the assumption that 2000 to 5000 genes are required for intellectual ability, Dr. Crabtree estimates that within 3000 years (about 120 generations) we have all sustained two or more mutations harmful to our intellectual or emotional stability. Moreover, recent findings from neuroscience suggest that genes involved in brain function are uniquely susceptible to mutations. Dr. Crabtree argues that the combination of less selective pressure and the large number of easily affected genes is eroding our intellectual and emotional capabilities.

But not to worry. The loss is quite slow, and judging by society's rapid pace of discovery and advancement, future technologies are bound to reveal solutions to the problem. "I think we will know each of the millions of human mutations that can compromise our intellectual function and how each of these mutations interact with each other and other processes as well as environmental influences," says Dr. Crabtree. "At that time, we may be able to magically correct any mutation that has occurred in all cells of any organism at any developmental stage. Thus, the brutish process of natural selection will be unnecessary."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Cell Press, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal References:

  1. Gerald R. Crabtree. Our fragile intellect. Part I. Trends in Genetics, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.tig.2012.10.002
  2. Gerald R. Crabtree. Our fragile intellect. Part II. Trends in Genetics, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.tig.2012.10.003

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Light - Healing & Preventing Cancer and Other Diseases Using the ...

Light - Healing & Preventing Cancer and Other Diseases Using the Healing Power of Sun and Other Light

Rather than being a destroyer of health, natural sunlight seems to be a vital ingredient in health maintenance and the healing of cancer and other afflictions.

Sunlight & Health

The Health Benefits of Sunlight (Dr. Herbert Shelton book extract)
Light : Medicine of The Future (incl. cancer treatment)
Sunlight - the Ultimate Detoxifier?
Benefits of Sunlight & Drinking Water
The Fat's Syndrome & Photons As Solar Energy (Dr. Budwig book excerpt)
Edgar Cayce on Healing with Sunlight
Sungazing: the boldest frontier
Does sun-bathing/sunlight really damage the skin & cause wrinkles?
Sunlight & Cancer

Healing and Preventing Cancer & Other Illness With Light (Intro)
Sunlight and Cancer Incidence - Can Sunlight Prevent Cancer?
Study Shows Sunlight Prevents Cancer
Cancer Prevention & Sunlight (Book Excerpt)
Sunlight, Cancer, Leukemia & Cancer Prevention
Full-Spectrum Sunlight and Cancer/UV Benefits Leukemia & Other Cancers
Sunlight, Skin Cancers and Vitamin D
Skin Cancer, Malignant Melanoma & Sunlight
Solar Energy Against Cancer (Dr. Budwig book excerpt)
The Fat's Syndrome & Photons As Solar Energy (Dr. Budwig book excerpt)
Light : Medicine of The Future (incl. cancer treatment)
Light & Science

Biophotonics: Basic Theory of Cancer Development and Defense
The Fat's Syndrome & Photons As Solar Energy (Dr. Budwig book excerpt)
Solar Energy Against Cancer (Dr. Budwig book excerpt)
Light, Food & Electrons

Light, Eating the Wild Electron
The Fat's Syndrome & Photons As Solar Energy (Dr. Budwig book excerpt)
Sungazing: the Boldest Frontier

Can Sungazing Heal Cancer?
Will Safe Sungazing, Safe Sun Bathing and Drinking Suncharged Water Cure All Diseases?
Plants? Benefits from Suncharged Water
Beautiful Affirmation for Use with Sunbathing/Sungazing
More Info on Sungazing
On Spiritual Light

Working with a Universal Healing Light to fight (dissolve) cancer and other diseases
The Inner Sun: The Key to the Doorway Leading into the Eternal Sun

Sunlight cancer healing testimonials
Working with a Universal Healing Light to fight (dissolve) cancer and other diseases

[link to]



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The Ridiculous Requests That Ad Agencies Get

No matter how often you watch Mad Men, it ain't always booze, sex and cigarettes when it comes to advertising because of the brain numb clients. They always have ridiculous requests like making the Vikings nicer or making the logo bigger. It's hilarious what they ask for. More »


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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Expert panel to discuss art of development ? Boulder County ...

BOULDER ? Driving new commercial and residential construction requires certain economic and financial conditions. A panel of experts will talk about ?the art of development? at the Boulder Valley Real Estate Conference & Forecast, set for Thursday, Nov. 15.

The conference will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Millennium Harvest House Boulder, 1345 28th St., Boulder.

Presented by the Boulder County Business Report, the conference also will feature sessions on infill analysis, pricing strategies, national developers, residential success strategies and forecasts for 2013.

The construction panel will open the conference by examining lease rates, vacancy rates, inventory and other factors. Jeff Wingert, chief executive of W.W. Reynolds Cos., will moderate the panel consisting of Jim Loftus of Loftus Development; Christina Presley, Colorado division president for Meritage Homes Inc.; and Chuck Bellock, president of the Community Development Group.

Economists Mark Snead and Tucker Hart Adams will deliver keynote addresses during lunch at the conference. Snead?s talk, ?Economic Climate for Commercial Real Estate,? will draw from his company?s research that focuses on economic modeling and forecasting and local area economic development.

Adams has monitored and analyzed the Colorado economy for 30 years and brings an entertaining, dry wit to her presentations. Adams joined Summit Economics LLC in 2010 as a senior partner when she merged her company, The Adams Group, with Summit.

Sessions on Infill Analysis and Pricing Strategies will run concurrently after lunch.

The session on Infill Analysis will take a look at the specific areas in which local municipalities will actively promote commercial redevelopment or new development. Participants delivering insights will be Aaron DeJong, economic development director, city of Louisville; David Driskell, executive director of community planning and sustainability, city of Boulder; Brad Power, director of economic development, city of Longmont; Dave Shinneman, acting community development director, city and county of Broomfield; and Phillip Patterson, community development director, city of Lafayette.

The session on Pricing Strategies covers how brokers can devise the best strategy for pricing homes. Experts include Steve Altermatt, broker associate at Re/Max of Boulder; Stephanie Iannone, president of Housing Helpers; Joel Ripmaster, founder and president of Colorado Landmark Realtors of Boulder; and Sonia Chritton with, Fuller Sotheby?s International Realty.

Sessions on National Developers and Residential Success Strategies will run concurrently beginning at 2:15 p.m.

Many national development companies have entered the Boulder Valley market. This session will focus on what attracted these companies to the Boulder region, and what their plans are going forward. Panelists include Steve Eaton, vice president of Goff Capital Partners, which in the past year has made major purchases of office and industrial space in Boulder and Longmont; Allen Ginsborg, managing director and principal of NewMark Merrill, which is redeveloping Twin Peaks Mall in Longmont; and Gordon ?Gordy? Stofer III, director for Houston-based Hines, which has erected Class A office space in the Interlocken business park in Broomfield.

Succeeding in today?s residential real-estate market requires persistence, time management, research, marketing, networking and negotiating skills. Boulder Valley?s top residential brokers will talk about strategies they use to get the job done. They include Barb Bashor, a broker/realtor with Wright Kingdom Real Estate; Karen Libin, broker and owner of KL Realty; Ris? Staufer, broker and owner of Staufer Team Real Estate in Louisville; and Jo Kearney, a top agent with Metro Brokers Boulder.

The conference will conclude with forecasts on the residential market by D.B. Wilson with Re/Max of Boulder and a commercial market forecast by Lynda Gibbons of Gibbons-White Inc.

Sponsors of the conference include ReMax of Boulder as the title sponsor and Gibbons-White Inc. as the gold sponsor. Supporting sponsors include Photo Craft Imaging, Land Title Guarantee Co., KUNC-FM 91.5, Elevations Credit Union, Fidelity National Title, Colorado Lending Source, Boulder Creek ? Life and Home, Wells Fargo Bank, Colt Print Services and the Better Business Bureau of Denver/Boulder.

If you are interested in sponsorships, contact Kevin Loewen, 303-630-1945 or

A ticket costs $49 and includes lunch and refreshments. Register online at and click on Events at the top of the home page.

Article courtesy of Boulder County Business Report.?


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Sierra Leone Launches Reproductive & Child Health Policy ...


The Ministry of Health and Sanitation launched three documents on Reproductive and Child Health programme on 7 November 2012.

The Acting Minister of Health Launching the Documents

The Acting Minister of Health Launching the Documents

The documents included ?Reproductive, Newborn and Child Health (RNCH) Policy 2011-2015, RNCH Strategy 2011-2015 and a Strategic Plan for Adolescent and Young People?s Health & Development 2011-2015.

The Acting Minister of Health and Sanitation Hon. Borbor Sawyerr launched the documents.

State functionaries, UN agencies and other development partners, and health implementing partners attended the ceremony.

Delivering the key note address, Hon. Sawyerr said ?the launching of these documents is a landmark in the government?s effort to improving the health of the?targeted population.? He thanked the partners for supporting development of the ?documents and urged them to continue the support for their implementation.

Dr Alemu delivering a statement on behalf of the UN

Dr Alemu delivering a statement on behalf of the UN

Statements of support were delivered by representatives of the Ministry of Education, the?UN family and the NGOs. Speaking on behalf of the UN family, Dr. W. Alemu, WHO Representative in Sierra Leone underscored the importance of the three policy documents noting that they will help the country focus on priority interventions at all levels in addressing the specific needs of newborns and adolescents as part of efforts towards meeting the MDG targets by 2015.

He urged all development partners to work more closely with the government for the work ahead. ?It is our hope that these documents launched today will be supported and implemented jointly by all stakeholders??he added and pledged the support of the UN family to that end.

Dignitaries  at the launch of the documents

Dignitaries at the launch of the documents

The RNCH Policy outlines steps to accelerate MDGs progress and focus on
equity and reduction of disparity in reproductive, newborn and child health care.

The RNCH Strategy outlines the strategies and key activities required to achieve ?RNCH goals and objectives. Meanwhile, the Strategic Plan for Adolescent and Young People?s Health and Development provides a framework that will guide the line Ministries particularly Health and Sanitation; Education, Science and Technology, and Youths and Sports.

Director of RCH Presenting overview of the documents

Director of RCH Presenting overview of the documents

Implementation of the documents will give a boost to the Free Health Care Initiative that was launched in 2010 for pregnant women, lactating mother and children under 5 years.

They will also lead to improvement in the delivery of adolescent friendly health services in?the country.


Cross section of the participants

Cross section of the participants



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Her Daughter's Skydiving Dream Took A Mother's Love To New ...

One of the reasons I started my website is that I wanted a place for women to come together and dream. We women need to know that we don't have to hang on to an old dream that has stopped nurturing us -- that there is always time to start a new dream. This week's story is about one woman who overcame her fear of flying by jumping out of a plane 13,000 miles above the earth -- all out of love for her daughter. -? Marlo,

By Lori Weiss

Every night, as Cathy Waggoner tucked her three children into bed, she?d give them a kiss and remind them that she ?loved them much bigger than the sky." It became something the entire family would repeat each time they said good-night for the evening or good-bye for a long period of time. But Cathy never actually expected to say it in the sky -- until she did -- on her daughter Dawn Eden?s 40th birthday. That was the day that Cathy, at the age of 63 and despite her fear of flying, agreed to help her daughter check the first thing off her newly created bucket list -- skydiving.

?Now that?s unconditional love,? Dawn laughed.

?I don?t fly,? Cathy explained. ?Dawn?s father had several planes while they were growing up. They?d fly to Chicago for lunch and I?d just sit at the airport and read. And I was just fine. I decided I didn?t like flying the first time I went up in a small plane. My father-in-law was flying and it was a four-seater. I looked around and noticed there were no parachutes. And he said ?That?s because we don?t fly high enough for them to make a difference'. And that was enough for me!

?But I know Dawn. She would have done it alone and her anxiety level would have been a whole lot higher. So when your daughter asks, please mom, what do you do??

So while many Moms, especially the ones who don?t even like the idea of getting on a commercial jet, might have tried to talk their daughters out of it or agreed to meet them when they were back on safe ground, Cathy signed on the dotted line and agreed to suit up.

?They take you through about a half an hour of training,? Dawn said. ?Half an hour! But it was a tandem jump, where you?re attached to an instructor, and my guy told me his first jump was the year I was born, so we thought they must know what they?re doing.

?We had to sign a lot of paperwork and Mom was reading it out loud as she was signing. I was laughing so hard I don?t think I read a word. We got a picture as she said, ?I can?t believe I agree there?s a chance of death? and I reminded her that it?s just a chance, kind of like a chance of rain, it doesn?t always happen.?

So the brave mother-daughter team took to the sky, with notes from Cathy?s grandchildren tucked away in their pockets ? most of them wishing the pair well, but one from 5-year-old Ily, that innocently said, ?I?ll miss you?.

?I just kept looking at Dawn while the plane was taking off,? Cathy said and asking, ?Why exactly are we doing this??

They weren?t just doing it, they were doing it -- as Dawn said -- with the ?big girl package." They could have gone up 10,000 feet, jumped out and immediately opened their parachutes -- which clearly, would have been enough for Cathy, who didn?t even like the idea of getting on the plane. But instead, they took their adventure to new heights. They paid extra for the plane to escalate to 13,000 feet, so they could spend the first minute free falling through the sky.

?As the plane went higher and higher,? Dawn recalled, ?Mom just kept repeating the same bible verse over and over.?

Article continues below slideshow.
  • Learning To Fly

    Cathy and Dawn took a half hour training session before taking their big leap. In the class, they learned how to sit in the plane, how to step out of the plane, how to free fall and how to land. Here, they practice their free falling pose.

  • Signing On The Dotted Line

    When Cathy and Dawn arrived at the skydiving club, they had to sign a whole stack of waivers. Cathy felt uneasy when she read "Do you understand that there is a potential risk of broken limbs and even death?"

  • Pre-Jump Jitters

    The mother/daughter duo was all smiles before they embarked on their skydiving adventure. Cathy had been terrified of planes since riding in a four-seater as a child, but was willing to put aside her fear to help her daughter cross the first goal off of her bucket list.

  • Praying For Safety

    Dawn's nephew Aiden wanted to say a prayer for the safety of his aunt and grandmother before they jumped. Here they join hands and pray that everything will go smoothly.

  • The Ascent

    Dawn enjoyed the ride up, but as the plane climbed higher, Cathy began repeating the same bible verse over and over. She was more afraid of being in the plane than of jumping out of it!

  • Above The Clouds

    Once Cathy was out of the plane, she began to relax. Here she is freefalling and enjoying the view.

  • Speeding Towards Earth

    Dawn and her mother fell at 120 miles per hour once they jumped from the plane, and Dawn loved every second of it!

  • Once A Mother, Always A Mother

    Cathy's parachute had just opened, but her main concern was her daughter. Here, she looks up to see if Dawn is safe.

  • A Smooth Landing

    Dawn felt victorious after her jump, and Cathy felt a great sense of relief. When Dawn asked her if she wanted to go back up and jump again, she said "No I'm good. I love you but really, I'm good."

  • Dawn And Cathy's Cheerleaders

    A large group of friends and family came to cheer on Cathy and Dawn during their big jump.

  • A Different Kind Of Flight

    Skydiving wasn't the first adventurous activity that Cathy undertook. Here, she is pictured parasailing in the Caribbean in August of 2009.

  • Passing On A Sense Of Adventure

    Dawn teaches her children to enjoy life, and tries to stress that they don't have to wait until they're 40 to pursue their dreams, like she did. Here, the Edens family poses on a hike in New Mexico.

  • An Early Life Lesson

    Dawn learned not to take life for granted at an early age. When she was only seven years old, Dawn had open heart surgery. As she recovered, Dawn had to sit in the library during recess while all of her friends played. She hated being held back, which is why she is determined to pursue her dreams today.

  • Much Bigger Than The Sky

    Every night when Cathy would kiss her kids before bed, she would tell them that she "loved them much bigger than the sky." By skydiving with her daughter Dawn, she proved that her love for her children is indeed stronger than her fear of flying.

?I was more afraid of being on that plane than jumping out of it,? Cathy remembered.

?I have to admit, when they opened the door,? Dawn said, ?my heart skipped a beat. The ground looked like a miniature play set. I thought at that moment, this is a little more intense than I thought it would be. That?s when I said a little prayer for Mom.?

?And she let me go first,? Cathy said with a smile. I didn?t want to steal Dawn?s thunder, but I really wanted to get out of that plane.?

So the two women crawled up to the door and Dawn watched, as the mother who clearly ?loved her bigger than the sky? jumped right into it.

?I was trying to lean out of the plane,? Dawn said, ?to make sure she was okay, without falling out myself. I was filled with so much joy for her. Tears came to my eyes. I knew her fear and I knew what she must have been feeling because even I was having a little bit of doubt. But I was so proud of her. And as she jumped, I thought I want to be that kind of mom -- the kind of mom who supports her kids, despite her own fears.?

And then, one minute later, Dawn was right behind her -- diving head first at 120 miles per hour.

?I felt like Superwoman,? Dawn laughed ?without the perfectly styled hair. But for that first minute, I was just really trying to breathe. And I was thinking, 'It can?t be good that I?m not breathing'. And then I just wanted to hear Mom?s parachute open."

And that's exactly what happened -- at exactly the right time. But as Dawn looked down, Cathy was twirling.

?I kept thinking, Something is wrong," Dawn said. ?Why is she twirling like that? But as it turned out, they were just having fun. The instructor was showing her different ways to move the ropes, so she could twirl through the sky.?

?It was kind of like being on a roller coaster,? Cathy explained, ?only in the sky. And we were flying through clouds. How many people can say they?ve flown through a cloud??

As the pair landed safely on the ground, Dawn had only one question for her mother: ?She looked at me,? Cathy recalled with disbelief, ?and asked if I wanted to go up again! I said, ?No, I?m good. I love you, but really I?m good.??

So, for now, Dawn will continue with the bucket list she began at 40, on her own. Her only regret is not having started the list earlier in her life.

?I want to set an example for my kids. I want them to enjoy life -- to know that they don?t have to wait until they?re 40. I want them to know they can start now.?

Next up, she?ll run the Goofy Challenge at Disney World in January -- a half marathon the first day and a full marathon on the second. As Dawn put it, ?That?s why they call it goofy".

?I asked my mother to do it with me,? Dawn said with a grin, ?but her knees won?t let her. And really, I don?t think I can ask anything else of her right now.

?But I love that she did this with me. I love her bigger than the sky -- the sky we flew in together.?

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Friday, November 9, 2012

He called it, and now Silver's a pop-culture star

NEW YORK (AP) ? The other night, Nate Silver got a little taste of what things are going to be like for him, post-Election 2012.

The 34-year-old statistician, unabashed numbers geek, author and creator of the much-read FiveThirtyEight blog at The New York Times had gone out for a drink with friends on Manhattan's Lower East Side. But he couldn't stay incognito; immediately, he says, people sitting at the bar recognized him.

He was surprised, but probably shouldn't have been. After all, for 24 hours, ever since his election forecasts had proved uncannily successful ? he correctly predicted the presidential winner in all 50 states, and almost all the Senate races ? he'd been hailed as the election's "other winner," who'd silenced doubters and proved the value of a cool-headed, math-based approach.

That very night, he'd appeared on Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" for the second time in three weeks. "Don't you want to stand up and say, 'I am Nate Silver, bow down to me!!'" Stewart roared, as the bespectacled Silver sat and chuckled. His name was trending on Twitter and he was the subject of a satirical Twitter hashtag, "Drunk Nate Silver." The Hollywood Reporter said he'd "made statistics sexy again." Many called his story a real-life "Revenge of the Nerds" tale.

And, oh, his new book had soared to No. 2 on Amazon, after he linked to it on Twitter an hour after the first network call for President Barack Obama. ("This is probably a good time to link to my book," he'd tweeted at 12:13 a.m. ? the closest he came to gloating.)

Even so, Silver says he wasn't quite prepared for that incident in the bar.

"It's odd," he said Thursday in a telephone interview from his Brooklyn home. "Is this going to happen every day, as opposed to once a month? I still have to get accustomed to this."

Silver, who uses computer models that he runs on a beat-up laptop at home, is quick to acknowledge the accomplishments of others using similar methods. "It's a little strange to become a kind of symbol of a whole type of analysis," he said. And he noted that similar work was being done with, for example, weather, all the time. "You have to give those forecasters way more credit," he said. "Their forecasts have real life-and-death consequences"

In politics, too, others have used similar computer models to predict races. What Silver has done, though, is not only arrive at a formula that uses aggregated polls and other weighted factors to achieve his predictions, but to write about them in an accessible and engaging way.

His father, political science professor Brian Silver, attributes his son's success to a two-pronged drive: "He's driven by a need to get the answers to a problem, but he also is very concerned with the narrative, with telling the story," said the elder Silver, who teaches at Michigan State University.

The father recalls his son at 2 years old, already revealing himself as a prodigy with numbers ? his mother asked him to count to three, and he went to 20. By four, he understood negative numbers, and could multiply in his head.

Needless to say he was a math whiz, but he also was a debating champion, winning competitions in high school. "On the debate team, it was OK to be a geek," Brian Silver explained. Nate then went off to the University of Chicago, where he earned a degree in economics.

A few years in consulting followed. It bored him, but it was during those years that Silver turned his love of baseball into a sophisticated forecasting system of player performance. That became his new career; he sold the system to Baseball Prospectus, and wrote a weekly column there on baseball research.

In 2007, Silver started writing about politics ? at first under a pseudonym, "Poblano." He quickly gained an audience for his forecasts during the presidential primaries. In March of 2008, he began his FiveThirtyEight blog, and a few months later revealed his name.

"People had been thinking Poblano was a major pollster," said his father. "He was just a kid with a B.A. in economics."

With his success in the 2008 race ? he got every state right except for Indiana ? Silver was already a big name. In 2009 he was named one of Time's 100 Most Influential People. In 2010, he licensed his blog to The New York Times.

But the 2012 election brought a new level of pressure. While Democrats flocked to his blog and took daily solace in his consistent prediction that Obama would win ? though not by a lot ? commentators on the right were critical, and he was accused of weighting his forecasts too heavily toward Democrats.

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, called him a "joke." Silver responded by betting him that Obama would win, a bet that Scarborough didn't take him up on and that was later criticized by the Times ombudsman. (That bet was the poker player in him, Silver says now; he spent a couple years playing serious online poker.)

Much more disturbing, said Silver, were what he called the homophobic comments that some resorted to on the Web. "That was a little shocking," he said. Added his father: "It got very personal."

But Silver says he always felt confident in his projections. "I didn't see any particular reason for the polls to be off the mark," he said. "Republicans said Democrats were oversampled, but without much justification. I felt pretty confident personally." Silver predicted 90.9 percent certainty that Obama would win, and forecast him getting 313 electoral college votes; he has 303 without Florida, which is still counting and could take him to 332.

On Election Day itself, Silver felt nervous, but only because there was nothing left to do. Once the early results started coming in, he relaxed. And then, of course, came vindication. "You know who won the election tonight? Nate Silver," said Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Even Bret Baier on Fox gave credit on air to Silver. On "The Daily Show," Stewart basically credited Silver with saving the reputation of arithmetic ? and more. "Like, gravity would have been up for grabs," Stewart quipped, if Silver had been wrong.

There have been some gripes that Silver doesn't reveal his actual formula. "He has very carefully explained how he does things," his father answers. "But he's not giving away his code. He shouldn't be expected to do that."

Nate Silver does say, however, that in the future, "Maybe we'll have to be clearer." He also voices concern that precise forecasting could have the frightening effect of influencing voter behavior ? something that obviously doesn't happen in areas like weather. "You don't want to influence the same system you are trying to forecast," he said.

Silver also says he doesn't necessarily expect the same results forever. "I know we're going to have some misses sooner or later," he said, adding that an incorrect forecast on the Senate race in North Dakota is "proof that we can be wrong ? and polls can be wrong." Others have pointed out that Silver's forecasting is, of course, only as good as the polls he is using, since he's not a pollster himself.

For now, though, he's trying to enjoy it all as much as he can.

"When you get into statistical analysis, you don't really expect to achieve fame," he observed wryly. "Or to become an Internet meme. Or be parodied by The Onion ? or be the subject of a cartoon in The New Yorker. I guess I'm kind of an outlier there."

What's ahead for Silver? Turns out, forecasting his own future feels much more difficult than forecasting an election.

"It can be a fulltime job, figuring out what your job is going to be," he quipped.

For now, he has a second book to write, part of a two-book deal. And FiveThirtyEight is set to remain at the Times until mid-2013. After that, he doesn't know yet, though he noted, with understatement: "I know I'll have more opportunities now." But he added: "I'm sure there will be a FiveThirtyEight forecast in 2016."

For now, he prefers to look at life, and life choices, as a poker player, since he loves the game.

"You get steely nerves playing poker," he said. "It's part skill and part luck. You hope you win enough bets to make a living on, right?"


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PFT: Roddy White thinks Falcons can go 16-0

Calvin JohnsonAP

With Lions receiver Calvin Johnson previously claiming he suffered a concussion during a September 30 game against the Vikings, with the Lions denying it, and with Johnson now claiming he also suffered nerve damage, the question becomes whether the Lions could be the fifth team fined $20,000 this year for not being fully candid on the injury report.

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello tells PFT that the league looked into the claim that Calvin suffered a concussion.? To date, however, the NFL hasn?t explored whether Johnson had undisclosed nerve damage.

?We looked into it,? Aiello said via email regarding the claim by Johnson that he suffered a concussion.? ?Johnson had a complete sideline neuro evaluation by the team physician and passed. He was examined post game and was fine, and looked at Monday and again was fine.?? (Aiello sent the same email to Anwar Richardson of

In other words, the NFL agreed with the Lions that Johnson didn?t have a concussion ? even though Johnson has said on multiple occasions that he did.

As to the newly-raised issue of nerve damage, the league has yet to investigate.? ?Check with the Lions on that,? Aiello said.? ?If he hasn?t reported it to the team and isn?t being treated for it, they have no basis for putting him on the injury report.?

It?s hard to imagine Johnson not getting treatment for a condition that is affecting his grip on the ball, and it?s even harder to believe that Johnson didn?t mention the condition to the team.

Though it?s unclear whether the league will take further action, the teams already fined $20,000 each for violating the injury-reporting rules should be taking a page from the Drew Brees playbook, and asking for an explanation.


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Assad fans vent over Syria at Qatar soccer match

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria blames the state of Qatar for arming rebels bent on overthrowing President Bashar al-Assad. Qatar has accused Assad of genocide. On Thursday afternoon, the two countries battled it out on the soccer field.

"Our souls, our blood, we sacrifice them for Bashar," the Syrian fans screamed, waving their national flag, as the under-19s played in the United Arab Emirates in an Asian Football Confederation tournament.

Twitter was ablaze with politicized messages on the game from a group of pro-Assad social media enthusiasts.

"Doesn't matter who wins a football game, at the end #Syria is kicking #Qatar's mercenaries asses everyday," said a Twitter user whose tag is @ProSyriana.

The game was broadcast live on Syrian state television, though the commentators steered clear of politics.

Peaceful pro-democracy protests hit Syria's streets in March 2011 but were met with live ammunition. Nineteen months later, Assad is fighting a civil war against a majority-Sunni Muslim opposition. Assad is an Alawite, a sect that is an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam.

Damascus said from the beginning that the uprising was a foreign-backed conspiracy and ever since, Assad supporters have directed vitriol at Sunni states Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

"#Qatar players (are) falling down like #FSA scum," said @Syriancommando, a prominent online activist, referring to the Free Syrian Army, a group of Syria army defectors who joined rebel fighters.

In the end, after a Syrian red card and a couple yellows, Qatar won 2-1 but fell out of the tournament on points, while Syria stayed in.

"#Qatar u may have won the battle but u didn't win the war. #Syria goes on to play next game, Qatar is out. We'll win the real war too." said @Partisangirl, a Syrian YouTube commentator.

(Reporting by Oliver Holmes; Editing by Tom Perry and Paul Casciato)


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Boehner: 'Obamacare is the law of the land' (+video)

In an interview with ABC, Republican Representative John Boehner suggested he will not prioritize the repeal of the healthcare law to the extent that he has in the past. But following the interview, a spokesman for Boehner said repealing the law 'would be on the table.'?

By Staff,?Reuters / November 8, 2012

In this file photo, President Barack Obama reaches for a pen to sign the health care bill in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Obama?s re-election has guaranteed the survival of his health care law.

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File


Top Republican lawmaker John Boehner said on Thursday he would not make it his mission to repeal the?Obama administration's healthcare reform law following the re-election of President?Barack Obama.

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"The election changes that," Boehner, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, told ABC news anchor?Diane Sawyer?when asked if repealing the law was "still your mission."

"It's pretty clear that the president was re-elected ," Boehner added. "Obamacare is the law of the land."

Under Boehner's leadership, the House tried repeatedly to repeal the healthcare law, the signature domestic measure of Obama's first term. While a few provisions were eliminated or changed,?Senate?Democrats blocked outright termination of the law.

Boehner added that parts of the law were going to be difficult to implement and that everything had to be on the table as lawmakers try to create a path to a balanced budget.

A spokesman for Boehner said later the speaker and House Republicans "remain committed to repealing the law, and he said in the interview it would be on the table."

The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the biggest overhaul of the $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare system since the 1960s, aims to extend health coverage to more than 30 million uninsured Americans beginning in January 2014.

The?U.S. Supreme Court?upheld the reforms in a landmark June ruling.

Defeated Republican presidential candidate?Mitt Romney?had vowed to repeal the law if he were elected.

In Tuesday's election, Republicans kept their majority in the House and Democrats maintained control of the?Senate.

In the ABC interview, Boehner also said a comprehensive approach to immigration reform was needed and he was confident that Republicans could find common ground with Obama on the issue.


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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fred Wilson's Startup Investing Strategy - Business Insider

fred wilson

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dell computer girl Facebook's Latest Awkward Ad Says 'Cakes Are Like Facebook' instagram Union Square Ventures partner Fred Wilson shed some light on his investment strategy and his thoughts on how startups can succeed?at Advertising Week New York Wednesday.

Wilson said that he and his firm pay close attention to a startup's social-media presence and how it's performing.

?When we consider making an investment, we run a bunch of social analytics reports on the company,? Wilson said.?

Wilson also said that even though Facebook has lost billions in value since going public, he is still confident in the social network's strategy.

What Facebook did first was build a strong user base, and then focus on monetization.

?Facebook is worth $40 billion today and they make $5 billion in revenue a year, that is not a failure, that is a success,? Wilson said, adding that he's becoming "more confident every day that that is the right strategy.?

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NVIDIA's revenue hits a record $1.20 billion for Q3 powered by Tegra 3 tablets, Kepler GPUs

NVIDIA's revenue hits a record $120 billion for Q3 powered by Tegra 3 tablets, Kepler GPUs

Just as it predicted, NVIDIA's earnings show revenue rose again in Q3, to a new record high of $1.20 billion, 15.3 percent higher than in Q2 up 12.9 percent from the same period last year. Its profits also grew accordingly, to $209.1 million, which should be no surprise thanks to its Tegra 3 chip's place at the heart of tablets including Google's Nexus 7 and Microsoft's Surface for Windows RT, with more arriving daily. The Consumer Products division that includes the Tegra family and other hardware had a 27.6 percent rise in revenue for the quarter. Despite predictions of a slumping PC market, its consumer GPU unit had revenue up 10 percent from last quarter as Kepler based products reached into lower price points and notebook revenue rose. Riding high, the company has decided to issue dividends to shareholders as well as extend its current stock repurchasing program. Hit the source links for the full breakdown, but so far NVIDIA's bets on the future of its chips in PCs and post-PC devices seem to be paying off.

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Obama's lease renewed despite tough economic times

President Barack Obama pauses as he speaks at the election night party at McCormick Place, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012, in Chicago. Obama defeated Republican challenger former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

President Barack Obama pauses as he speaks at the election night party at McCormick Place, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012, in Chicago. Obama defeated Republican challenger former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

President Barack Obama , joined by his wife Michelle, Vice President Joe Biden and his spouse Jill acknowledge applause after Obama delivered his victory speech to supporters gathered in Chicago early Wednesday Nov. 7 2012. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney gives his concession speech at his election night rally in Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann Romney, left, and vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and his wife Janna, right, wave to supporters after Romney conceded the race during his election night rally, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2012, in Boston. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)

(AP) ? His lease renewed in trying economic times, President Barack Obama claimed a second term from an incredibly divided electorate and immediately braced for daunting challenges and progress that comes only in fits and starts.

"We have fought our way back and we know in our hearts that for the United States of America, the best is yet to come," Obama said.

The same voters who gave Obama another four years also elected a divided Congress, re-upping the dynamic that has made it so hard for the president to advance his agenda. Democrats retained control of the Senate; Republicans renewed their majority in the House.

It was a sweet victory for Obama, but nothing like the jubilant celebration of four years earlier, when his hope-and-change election as the nation's first black president captivated the world. This time, Obama ground out his win with a stay-the-course pitch that essentially boiled down to a plea for more time to make things right and a hope that Congress will be more accommodating than in the past.

The vanquished Republican, Mitt Romney, tried to set a more conciliatory tone on the way off the stage.

"At a time like this, we can't risk partisan bickering," Romney said after a campaign filled with it. "Our leaders have to reach across the aisle to do the people's work."

House Speaker John Boehner spoke of a dual mandate, saying, "If there is a mandate, it is a mandate for both parties to find common ground and take steps together to help our economy grow and create jobs."

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell had a more harsh assessment.

"The voters have not endorsed the failures or excesses of the president's first term," McConnell said. "They have simply given him more time to finish the job they asked him to do together" with a balanced Congress.

Obama claimed a commanding electoral mandate ? at least 303 electoral votes to 206 for Romney ? and had a near-sweep of the nine most hotly contested battleground states.

But the close breakdown in the popular vote showed Americans' differences over how best to meet the nation's challenges. With more than 90 percent of precincts reporting, the popular vote went 50 percent for Obama to 48.4 percent for Romney, the businessman-turned-politician who had argued that Obama had failed to turn around the economy and said it was time for a new approach keyed to lower taxes and a less intrusive government.

Obama's re-election assured certainty on some fronts: His signature health-care overhaul will endure, as will the Wall Street reforms enacted after the economic meltdown. The drawdown of troops in Afghanistan will continue apace. And with an aging Supreme Court, the president is likely to have at least one more nomination to the high court.

The challenges immediately ahead for the 44th president are all too familiar: an economy still baby-stepping its way toward full health, 23 million Americans still out of work or in search of better jobs, civil war in Syria, an ominous standoff over Iran's nuclear program, and more.

Sharp differences with Republicans in Congress on taxes, spending, deficit reduction, immigration and more await.

And even before Obama gets to his second inaugural on Jan. 20, he must grapple with the threatened "fiscal cliff" ? a combination of automatic tax increases and steep across-the-board spending cuts that are set to take effect in January if Washington doesn't quickly come up with a workaround budget deal. Economists have warned the economy could tip back into recession absent a deal.

Despite long lines at polls in many places, turnout overall looked to be down from four years ago as the president pieced together a winning coalition of women, young people, minorities and lower-income voters that reflected the country's changing demographics. Obama's superior ground organization in the battleground states was key to his success.

The president's victory speech ? he'd written a concession, too, just in case ? reflected the realities of the rough road ahead.

"By itself the recognition that we have common hopes and dreams won't end all the gridlock, or solve all our problems or substitute for the painstaking work of building consensus and making the difficult compromises needed to move this country forward," Obama said.

"But that common bond is where we must begin. Our economy is recovering. A decade of war is ending. A long campaign is now over, and whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you, I have learned from you and you have made me a better president."

The president said he hoped to meet with Romney and discuss how they can work together. They may have battled fiercely, he said, "but it's only because we love this country deeply."

Romney's short concession ? with misplaced confidence, he'd only prepared an acceptance speech ? was a gracious end note after a grueling campaign.

He wished the president's family well and told subdued supporters in Boston, "I so wish that I had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction, but the nation chose another leader and so Ann and I join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation."

Obama's re-election was a remarkable achievement given that Americans are anything but enthusiastic about the state they're in: Only about 4 in 10 voters thought the economy is getting better, just one quarter thought they're better off financially than four years ago and a little more than half think the country is on the wrong track, exit polls showed.

But even now, four years after George W. Bush left office, voters were more likely to blame Bush than Obama for the fix they're in.

It wasn't just the president and Congress who were on the ballot. Voters around the country considered ballot measures on a number of divisive social issues, with Maine and Maryland becoming the first states to approve same-sex marriage by popular vote while Washington state and Colorado legalized recreational use of marijuana.

From the beginning, Obama had an easier path than Romney to the 270 electoral votes needed for victory. The most expensive campaign in history was narrowly targeted at people in nine battleground states that held the key to victory, and the two sides drenched voters there with more than a million ads, the overwhelming share of them negative.

Obama claimed at least seven of the battleground states, most notably Ohio, the Ground Zero of campaign 2012. He also got Iowa, New Hampshire, Colorado, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin, and he was ahead in Florida. Romney got North Carolina.

Overall, Obama won 25 states and the District of Columbia and was leading in too-close-to-call Florida. Romney won 24 states.

It was a more measured victory than four years ago, when Obama claimed 365 electoral votes to McCain's 173, winning with 53 percent of the popular vote.

Obama was judged by 53 percent of voters to be more in touch with people like them. More good news for him: Six in 10 voters said that taxes should be increased. And nearly half of voters said taxes should be increased on income over $250,000, as Obama has called for.

Obama's list of promises to keep includes many holdovers he was unable to deliver on in his first term: rolling back tax cuts for upper-income people, immigration reform, reducing federal deficits, and more.

A second term is sure to produce turnover in his Cabinet: Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has made it clear he wants to leave at the end of Obama's first term but is expected to remain in the post until a successor is confirmed. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama's rival for the presidency four years ago, is ready to leave too. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta isn't expected to stay on.

To the end, the presidential race was a nail-biter. About 1 in 10 voters said they'd only settled on their presidential choice within the last few days or even on Election Day, and they were closely divided between Obama and Romney. Nearly 1 percent of voters went for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, who was on the ballot in 48 states.

In an election offering sharply different views on the role of government, voters ultimately narrowly tilted toward Obama's approach.

"We have seen growth in the economy," said 25-year-old Matt Wieczorek, a registered Republican from Cincinnati who backed the president. "Maybe not as fast as we want it to be, but Obama has made a difference and I don't want to see that growth come to an end."

Notwithstanding his victory, Obama will lead a nation with plenty of people who were ready for a change.

"The last four years have been crap," said 73-year-old Marvin Cleveland, a Romney supporter in Roseville, Minn. "Let's try something else."


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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Markets focus on US as Americans head to vote

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama walk off Air Force One after arriving at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Beaty)

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama walk off Air Force One after arriving at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Beaty)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, right, takes the stage with wife Ann before speaking at a campaign event at the Verizon Wireless Arena, Monday, Nov. 5, 2012, in Manchester, N.H. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

(AP) ? Europe's stock markets made some modest gains Tuesday as Americans headed out to vote for their next President, with the latest opinion polls pointing to a narrow victory for incumbent Barack Obama.

After months of campaigning and billions of dollars spent, election day has arrived. Many investors are hoping that the result will be clear enough to avoid a re-run of 2000 when the result was only known weeks later after a Supreme Court decision.

"That is a situation global markets fear most," said Cameron Peacock, market analyst at IG. "The best possible outcome would be for a clear and unqualified victor to emerge."

A decisive outcome, it is hoped, will pave the way for a swift budget agreement between the different arms of the U.S. government, thereby averting an automatic increase in taxes and spending cuts that could be imposed at the start of 2013.

Results will not start emerging until after Wall Street's close but investors already appear to be pricing in the prospect of a victory for Obama, who has moved slightly ahead in a raft of national polls over the past few days and maintained his lead in swing states such as Ohio and Wisconsin.

In Europe, Germany's DAX was up 0.5 percent at 7,365 while the CAC-40 in France rose 0.6 percent to 3,470. The FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was up 0.5 percent at 5,866. Wall Street was poised for a solid opening too, with both Dow futures and the broader S&P 500 futures up 0.2 percent.

Whoever wins the race for the White House, the honeymoon and relief is likely to be short given the rising debt problems the world's largest economy faces

Budget discussions will likely remain one of the main drivers in markets for the next few weeks. If no agreement on the U.S. budget can be found, the country faces a "fiscal cliff" of higher taxes and deep automatic cuts in military and domestic spending by the start of next year ? an event that would put the brakes on any recovery in the world's largest economy.

Past negotiations, thanks to the polarized political atmosphere in Washington, have usually gone to the wire and a deal is invariably not done until the final minute. If Romney does win, he won't enter the White House until January. However, he will still have great influence in the discussions as President-elect.

"Though we are inclined to assume that any tightening will be engineered so as to minimize the damage to the recovery, there can be no denying that Congress' proclivity towards eleventh hour deals may yet rattle a few nerves," said Neil Mellor, an analyst at the Bank of New York Mellon.

While the focus in the markets remains on the U.S., investors will continue to monitor developments in Greece amid concerns that a political crisis in the country may end up derailing an austerity package that is required for the country to receive its next batch of bailout funds. Without the money, Greece faces the prospect of going bankrupt this month and possibly leaving the euro.

Worries over Greece have stalked the euro over the past few trading sessions, but the currency was holding steady at $1.28 through morning trading in London.

In Asia investors are also monitoring developments in China ahead of Thursday's opening of the Communist Party congress ? the once-in-a-decade forum used to name China's top leadership. Although current Vice President Xi Jinping is almost certain to be named China's next leader, markets will be closely watching the congress for hints on how the new leadership plans to tackle a stubborn economic slowdown.

Japan's Nikkei 225 index fell 0.4 percent to close at 8,975.15. Hong Kong's Hang Seng lost 0.3 percent to 21,944.43. Mainland Chinese shares also closed lower. The Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.4 percent to 2,106 and the Shenzhen Composite Index shed 0.6 percent to 853.33.

In the oil markets, benchmark crude for December delivery was up 16 cents at $85.81 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Associated Press


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