Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Conflict of feelings (might trigger) : Dissociative Identity Disorder ...

Hi there. Haven't started a new post or written anything about us for a while. :P Now I have finally something to discuss about in here. ;)

It's about dating and relationships - and especially our sexual orientation. (We're lesbian, I think. Not all parts are. :|) Since we have now hit the puberty we never had time to go through (mood swings, teenagers have started to be more active, body's hormones have gone insane etc. - YAY for that! XD), we have started to go through our sexual development aswell. Now it gets tricky!

Group 1: Some parts really want to have a girlfriend, learn to love and slowly start to have sex in safe way - nothing wrong in that as long as it doesn't trigger anyone or hurt the mind/body.

Group 2: But then there are other group of parts that absolutely DESPISE every single thing in having a girlfriend (or boyfriend) and simply HATE sex and all that might lead to it. Hugs are pretty extreme too for them. :shock: So this group 2 doesn't want any type of intimate relationship and they would rather be alone for now. They get on group 1's way all the time!

Group 3: In group 3, we have the parts that push the lesbian-identity away and want to be straigth. They do experience intimate and sexual feelings towards other women but they don't want to admit it or they say that "it's just a phase that'll pass." They carry all the self-hate towards our orientation and WISH so much that they and the whole system would be straigth. They want to have a boyfriend(s) and TRY to be straigth. They think that there's something very wrong in them... :(

So this is our problem. :|I don't know what to do! Each group wants to live with their own rules and experience whatever they wish to experience (we do make rules regarding to this and won't let them do whatever they please!) but they keep clashing together due to their differences in thoughts. *siiiiiiigggHHH!* I'm really tired at the moment and I'm SOOO done with the stress this keeps causing us... T_T Straigth, lesbian, queer...jada jada...boyfriend, girlfriend, denial, accusations, pain jad

Well I have to admit that we/I haven't done much work with this issue because it's CONSTANTLY STUCK. :shock: We just can't stop circling in the same fr**king circle!!!!! :evil::evil: It's like swinging back and worth in a swing from black to to white... Nothing makes sense, everything is stuck, nothing moves, everybody is confused, stressed out, afraid and angry and frustrated. :(

I wish I could do more but I feel so d*mn blind... I'm certainly msising something super important/crucial in this issue but I just can't see what it is... =/ Any ideas?

Milly's my name. I'm 14! :P

Dx: DDNOS/DID (+ PTSD, Depression, Anxiety)
Med: Sepram 40 mg, Terolut 10 mg, Oxamin 15 mg

We have about 3000 parts and 2 different systems - both have apx. 6-8 layers. Hosts/leaders/bosses use black text. All the other parts use coloured text.


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