Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Is it unethical if a realtor is going thru a short ... - Zillow Real Estate ...

As the lender is the one that must approve a shortage on the loan-payoff, it is the lender that makes that decision.

I think it highly unlikely that the selling agent would be the same person as the seller on a short sale, as that makes it a bit harder for the lender to accept any Realtor CMA, and a bit harder to know if any offer is just and reasonable.? But as the lenders have their own method for evaluating home values, it really is their choice, as long as the Arms length transaction rules are followed.

"Ethics" really have nothing to do with any Real Estate transaction, as the only "ethics" that people pay attention to is the NAR "Code of Ethics" which only protects the Realtors, and not the buyers, sellers, lenders, nor anyone else.? Anyone that boasts of following NAR's code of Ethics is likely "unethical" by any religious or moral definition of "ethics".


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