Thursday, August 2, 2012

5 Steps to Getting Started: Discovering the Writer in You

Author Chrisnatha DeRosier

Writing may seem like an effortless undertaking but it can be mystifying for some. Here are a few steps to assist you in getting started with your writing.

1. Inspiration

What inspires you? When writing, I always want to be relatable to my audience and I aim to be as transparent as possible. Do you love life? Write about what you enjoy about your life. It may just inspire the reader to take action. Does it bring you to help others? Write about an experience that changed your life when you helped someone else.

2. Quiet Time

Writing can be less challenging if you are in a supportive environment. For some, writing at home provides a level of comfort while others find a ton of distractions by being at your place of abode. Personally, listening to the ocean (one great advantage living near the beach) always helps me to write and sometimes I can?t stop! When I am at home, I love to light scented candles. This helps me to relax. Find what works for you and just let the creativity begin.

3. Gathering Your Thoughts

Your mind can get flooded with thoughts, ideas and great revelation. However, without recording them it may be quite difficult to recall the profound information that came to mind earlier. I have a tape recorder that I use to record my thoughts on a particular subject. I record everything! I record ideas, a nice quote I came up with or a creative concept. Then I go back and write what I recorded.

4. What is Your Style?

I love poetry! I began writing poetry when I was twelve years old as a way of expressing myself. I was very shy, so writing was freedom for me. I was not interested in writing anything else other than poetry for a few years. Over time, I took a creative writing course and began writing short stories and articles. I now enjoy writing blogs, journals, books, articles, poetry and things of that sort. Find your niche. You may take pleasure in writing blogs, poetry, articles or even books.

5. Don?t Worry about Making Mistakes

Like myself, I am sure you may over think what you are writing and hope that your grammar is correct. Though proper grammar is important, it can be corrected later on (this is where your editor comes in). You do not want to stop the creative thought process. So, just write! Write the first thing that comes to mind. Write about what you are too nervous to say out loud. Write what you will only share in a journal. Just write and be free! Writing should be therapeutic, so open up and share how you truly feel.

We all have a writer within ourselves. Discover your style and inspiration for expressing yourself. Be bold and write from your heart. The reward can be massive. This expression can help both you and others to heal out loud. The process can be creative and therapeutic as well.?Be sure to get some additional tips in my article, ?Writing a Book: Getting Started Isn?t Easy.?

Be Blessed, Be Heard and Be Present! Until next time?

Chrisnatha Derosier is a public speaker and author of Through the Eyes of the KING. As CEO/President of Young Leaders of Today LLC, ?she inspires, uplifts and encourages others through her writing and speaking.

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